Crofthouse Museum open for the summer

The Crofthouse Museum at Dunrossness will be opening for the summer season from Sunday 1 May. The site has been closed for the last two years due to Covid restrictions, but the team has used the time during closure to work on two of the thatched roofs and on general maintenance. In the last month roof turf has been cut and is currently drying in preparation for repairing the third main roof on site, the barn.
Ailish Parham, from the Shetland Museum and Archives team said: “We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to the much-loved Crofthouse Museum again. It is a popular destination with tourists and locals alike giving a unique glimpse of crofting life in Shetland in the 1870s. The peat fire will be lit and visitors can step back in time and hear about traditional crofting life from our experienced custodians.
“We have some exciting plans lined up for the summer, which will include lots of community engagement, such as planting in the garden, crofting demonstrations, traditional examples of hap stretching, along with a family fun day.”
Opening Times: The Crofthouse Museum will be open 6 days a week (closed on Wednesdays) from 10.00 – 4.00pm. Hourly visitor slots are available to allow for an uninterrupted, leisurely experience, but booking is essential - BOOK HERE
Old Scatness Broch and Iron Age Village will also be opening one day a week for the summer from Friday 27 May - Friday 26 August. Again, booking is essential.
The Shetland Museum and Archives in Lerwick will be extending its opening times for the summer from Sunday 1 May.