Make your own Skeklers Hat (age 12 years and over)

Make your own Skeklers Hat (age 12 years and over)

Friday, October 20th 2023 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Learning Room, Shetland Museum

This event is also on at the following times:
Sat, 21/10/2023 10:30am - 1:30pm

Join us for this fantastic opportunity to learn about an eerie local tradition – Skekling! The session will begin with a short talk on the history of Skekling by one of our knowledgeable team. Accompanied by Eve Eunson, a local artist who specialises in straw craft, you will then be guided through how to create your own Skekler hat. Take your completed hat home with you to re-create this tradition for years to come!

It was a tradition in Shetland for groups of guizers known as 'skeklers' to visit houses late in the year. Dressed in straw suits and wearing hats that hid their faces they would turn up unannounced and dance with householders who gave them food and drink in return. The tradition of 'skekling' carried on until the mid 1800s, and into the 1900s in the islands of Yell, Unst and Fetlar. Similar customs are referred to in 13th century Icelandic Sagas.

Two separate dates for workshops are available: Friday 20th from 1-4pm and Saturday 21st from 10:30-1:30pm.
These sessions are suitable for anyone over the age of 12. Each workshop will run for 3 hours.

Price: £25
Age: 12 years (Secondary 1 and over)
No experience is necessary.

Category: Community Events, Arts and Crafts (Adult)