An evening with Craig Easton, Fisherwomen and Friends

Saturday, June 10th 2023 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Shetland Museum and Archives Auditorium

Tickets £8 | Book here

Come and join an evening of conversation with award-winning documentary photographer Craig Easton and invited guests, including former Shetland “herring lasses”. Craig will explore the history of women working in the fishing industry and speak about the process of documenting the stories and photographs for the current Fisherwomen exhibition in Da Gadderie at Shetland Museum. Guests will include some of his subjects for the portraits, including Rita McNab and women who worked in the industry from Burra, Scalloway and Whalsay.

Enjoy a glass of something, view the ‘Fisherwomen’ exhibition, and hear some traditional herring songs. There will also be an opportunity to browse through old photographs of the industry as well as a demonstration on how the herring was gutted and packed. Donald Murray will also provide a reading from his book 'Herring Tales'.

Fisherwomen is a collaboration between Shetland Amenity Trust and Shetland Arts.

Category: Lectures, Community Events, Exhibitions, Tours and Demonstrations